Love, Joy, Peace...

As we prepare to celebrate a significant milestone—our 110th year of existence, under the banner "Forward Let Us Go," we invite you to join us in commemorating this historic occasion. Plans are underway for a celebration for September 2024.

Help Us Celebrate with Your "Forward Commitment" of Generosity!

We are launching a special movement to enhance our mission at Market Avenue Church in the spirit of moving forward. We invite you to make a "forward commitment" of generosity beyond your regular tithes. This commitment will enable us to advance the Kingdom mission of our beloved church.

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
I make my FORWARD commitment of: (Required)
One-Time Gift of $110
Monthly Gift of $110
Bronze (Youth) $55.10
Silver $1,110
Gold $2,110
Platinum $5,110
Diamond $10,110